B E N D / O R E G O N
We raise Celadon and Jumbo Coturnix quail for their unparalleled sustainability. Quick maturity, minimal space requirements, and their charming demeanor make quail an advantageous addition to any household.
Quick to mature: Our quail begin laying eggs at 8 weeks of age and produce 250-300 eggs per year; they will produce nearly an egg a day if given year-round lighting. At 8 weeks of age they are also ready for processing.
Minimal space requirements: We recommend giving your quail 1 sq. ft. of living space per bird. This means anyone can keep a small flock (covey) of quail and enjoy fresh eggs daily. Small backyard aviaries, back porch hutches, and even large ventilated indoor aquariums are a few popular ways to house quail.
They’re delightful: Quail are adorable, and are truly a pleasure to keep. They’re easier to care for and much more cost efficient to feed than chickens, and they are quiet (even a quail roosters’ crow is pleasant and soft). If you have kids they'll love quail eggs--they taste just like chicken eggs but are so cute and just their size.
Why OUR quail?
We are proud to be a National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) Certified farm. This means a State Veterinarian comes to our farm twice yearly to inspect the premises to ensure sanitary living conditions and proper animal husbandry. Every every bird on our farm gets tested for both Salmonella AND Avian Influenza.
Our Celadon Coturnix quail are 100% blue egg laying. They come in an assortment of colors including Red, Tibetan, Tuxedo, and White.
Through our extensive selective breeding program the Coturnix quail we raise are incredibly hardy, top producers that thrive in all-season outdoor aviaries in Central Oregon.