B E N D / O R E G O N
E T H I C A L / S U S T A I N A B L E / L O C A L
Here at Sitka Sedge Farm, we believe wholeheartedly in transparency in agriculture. It's important to know where your food comes from, and how it is produced. We are proud to utilize ethical and sustainable agricultural practices to produce quality food for our local communities.

Our Story
Established in 2019, we began our journey in sustainable agriculture on Oregon's North Coast. Our farm's namesake, a beautiful, resilient and ecologically important native grass, grows abundantly throughout the 357 acre preserve,
Sitka Sedge State Natural Area, that neighbored our farm.
In the Spring of 2022 we traded the salty air and temperate weather of the coast for the hot summers and snowy winters of the high desert, expanding our small 2 acre farm outside Pacific City, Oregon, to 30 acres overlooking Mt. Bachelor in Bend, Oregon.